Sunset and Rainbow
Thursday 3rd June 2021 Did you see this? Or this? Join us on our Thursday evening walks and you too could enjoy sights like these …. Some of our pics Gallery
… get your boots on!
Thursday 3rd June 2021 Did you see this? Or this? Join us on our Thursday evening walks and you too could enjoy sights like these …. Some of our pics Gallery
First Thursday Walk This walk is just over 4 miles. From the car park head towards the duck pond and turn left to go up Kibworth Road. Turn into Wentworth Road, cross Manor Road and bear left into Sawbrook. Bear right at the end of Sawbrook and pick up the footpath that leads behind the…
4.5 miles: This Thursday walk took us clockwise from Lubenham, past Thorpe Lubenham Hall, the Judith Stone, and on to Marston Trussell and then back to Lubenham and the Coach and Horses.
4.5 miles: A lovely and easy walk from Mowsley, up the map past Valley View Farm and then down the map to Laughton and finally left across the map to the Staff of Life at Mowsley.
4.5 miles: If you like to describe walks by their shape on the map, this is a lariat, or lasso. From Houghton-on-the-Hill head past Redver’s Farm, hang a right to take you past Monk’s Grave and bear round anti-clockwise past Old Ingarsby towards Keyham and then south back to Redver’s Farm, Houghton, and the Rose and Crown.
5 miles: Thursday walk led by the Cow Whisperer, Dave Bromley. An interesting and easy walk, even if we didn’t stick to the footpaths!