Some ideas for future adventures
This map shows a number of possible walking routes within a 20 mile (32 km) radius of Fleckney. This page is primarily intended to give our walk leaders a helping hand to decide on their next adventure. However, the information is available for anyone who wants to plan an adventure of their own.
Some help with the map
At the top left of the map are ‘+’ and ‘-‘ icons to zoom the map in or out to your desired level. This can also be accomplished with the mouse-wheel or by ‘pinching’ on a touch screen.
The icon below these two allows you to view the map fullscreen.
When the map first loads all of the walk routes (or ‘lines’) are accessible and if you click or touch on one you will be presented with a small map and the information about the walk. Click or touch on the small map and it will be enlarged. When enlarged there are four icons at the top right to make the image fullscreen, enlarged further, shared, or closed. Once the large map is closed the small map can be closed by tapping on the cross at it’s top right.
In the top right corner of the map is a ‘layers’ icon. Hover your mouse or touch the icon and a small menu is displayed. Some of the wording may be confusing but once you’ve played with it a bit you’ll soon get to grips with it.
The top two circular icons allow you to select between a street view and a satellite view.
Below those icons are seven selectable options grouped into ‘Lines’ and ‘Shapes’. The lines are actually the walk routes and the shapes are circles of 10 and 20 miles radius from Fleckney.
The (current) problem is that each item is a separate layer. Whichever layer is selected last will be at the front of the map. So if you were to select one of the shapes (20 miles radius or 10 mile radius) that shape will become the topmost layer and everything underneath it will not be accessible even though they can be seen. Try it with the 10 miles radius jobbie and you will see that you are unable to select anything within the circle but everything outside of it is touchable. Now deselect the ‘Lines’ icon and reselect it. You should see the 10 mile radius circle and be able to select any of the ‘Lines’ or routes inside it. So, if you wanted to view (and be able to tap on) all of the longest walks in a 20 miles radius; ensure that both ‘Lines’ and ‘Shapes’ are ticked. untick everything else, tick ’20 mile radius’ and ‘Longer walks over 8 miles’.