Fleckney, Arnesby, Peatling Magna, Shearsby

By Phil

Leader: John Broadhead Fleckney, Arnesby, Peatling Magna, Shearsby Sunday, 12th May, 2024 John led us from Fleckney car park (///loses.always.huts), along Main Street up to the point where the road name becomes Arnesby Road – at the house named Hounds End. Just here, on the right through a large gate, is a bridleway often used…

Welcome Walk

By Phil

It is always nice to welcome new walkers to the club and so we devised a short local walk and invited folk to come and join us to see what we are all about.

Fleckney and Beyond

By Phil

Fleckney, Arnesby, Shearsby, 5th February 2023 Leader: Janet Earwaker From the car park, Janet led us along High Street past the Co-op and into Forge Close, through the esate and onto Wolsey Lane. We followed the jitties (a term used in the Midlands and also in mining communities in the south-east, notably Aylesham, for what…

Laughton by Road

By Phil

Laughton by Road Laughton by Road Map Download the GPX file This is an easy, mainly road-based walk of just over 7 miles from Fleckney to Laughton and back. There are no stiles, some minor undulation, and only one muddy patch. From Fleckney we carefully walk along the pavement, if you can call it that,…

11 April 2021

By Phil

Sheila led us from the allotments in Saddington along the Leicestershire Round down past Manor Farm and up to Smeeton Gorse and you come out onto Debdale Lane just before Gumley.